See Off MLS Transactions in Remine - A FREE MLS Benefit

Nov 05, 2019

Remine, a FREE MLS Benefit, just added a new feature. You are now able to see and filter properties sold OFF the MLS! Now you can see every sale in the neighborhood.

Create a CMA with OFF MLS properties.
Within Remine you can also create a CMA with OFF MLS properties. Click here to see how to create a CMA with Off MLS properties.

About Remine
Remine is a FREE MLS Benefit. It's a real estate intelligence platform for Agents that is delivered exclusively through the MLS. Using best-in-class science and applying it to billions of data sets, Remine can accurately predict when a property is most likely to sell, allows you to create sellers lists and even create mailing labels.

Not sure what Remine is exactly?
Watch this video to find out.

How to access Remine
You can access Remine under the Resources tab in MLS Stratus.