LIBOR’s New Dispute Resolution Center and Citation Policy

Feb 13, 2018

LIBOR has updated its website,, to include a new Dispute Resolution Center.  It will now be easier to navigate and learn all that LIBOR’s Professional Standards Department has to offer its members.

Through LIBOR’s new Dispute Resolution Center, we simplified the process of requesting our distinct Professional Standards services.  These services include, Ombudsman, Mediation, and the handling of Ethics and Arbitration complaints.  On-line forms are now available for all services, with the ability to attach your narrative and documents directly to the forms, which are electronically submitted to the PSC Department.  

Included in the Dispute Resolution Center is a detailed explanation of all the services LIBOR offers with some useful tips to assist you along the way!  Click Here to go directly to the new Dispute Resolution Center and learn about these valuable LIBOR services.

LIBOR also has implemented a Citation Program which is a new and convenient method for handling certain Ethics disputes.  

The new Ethics Citation Program,  was recently adopted by LIBOR Board of Directors to improve the process of certain ethics complaints.  The Citation Program is limited to specific Article violations of the Realtor® Code of Ethics as listed on the table for citable offenses (see link below).  It is an alternative to the ethics hearing process. 

For Complainants, the Citation Program works quicker than the normal Ethics process by not having to participate in a lengthy and time-consuming ethics complaint and hearing process allowing a Citation Panel to quickly discipline unethical conduct by issuing a designated fine for certain violations of the Code of Ethics.  The Complaint must assert an alleged violation of only the Articles included in the Citation Program for the Citation Process to be implemented. 

For Respondents who elect to participate in the Citation Program, they have the opportunity to avoid a time-consuming hearing process and obtain a quick resolution of ethics violations.  The Citation Program is a confidential process that provides fairness to all parties.     

The Citation Program is part of LIBOR’s ongoing effort to ensure fairness and integrity in real estate transactions according to the Realtors® Code of Ethics.  The Citation Program is intended to increase professionalism in the marketplace for our membership, streamline the ethics hearing process, and protect the interest of the general public.

To learn more about how LIBOR’s Citation Program works, click here.

To review the Articles of the Code of Ethics included in the Citation Program and
the Schedule of Fines visit: Citation and Fines Schedule.

For more information on any of the services listed above, please visit the Dispute Resolution Center at