Long Island Board of REALTORS® Committees

Whether you are just starting a real estate career or are a seasoned real estate veteran, getting involved can be an important part of your success. Volunteering for Committees provides you with the opportunity to share your ideas and experiences, and network with industry professionals.

Committee applications are open once a year for new member consideration. In the meantime, feel free to sit in on one of our open committee meetings! View our calendar HERE for upcoming meetings (don't forget to check off the "Meetings" box to search). For questions, please contact us HERE.

Committee List and Descriptions (Please refer to the LIBOR Bylaws and LIBOR Policy and Procedure Manual for a full and complete description of all committee functions.)

*Committee meetings open to non-committee members

Commercial Committee

  • Christine Dickson
Vice Chairperson
  • Yoshinori Takita
Staff Liaison
  • Patrick Curtis
  • Kenny Eng
  • Charles Gambino
  • Qiu Hang Jiang
  • Yan Lin
  • Rafiqul I. Murad
  • Salvatore Polito
  • Sidney Rodriguez

Credential Review

  • Susan G. Helsinger
Staff Liaison
  • Melissa L. Brandt
  • Laura Copersino
  • Rao A Shaan Khan
  • Joosoo Kim
  • Erica E. Turner
  • Paige C. Ryan
  • Hind S. Hatoum
  • Margaret MacRae
  • Francis A. Paruolo
  • Geraldine S. Sapanaro
  • Linda A. Skliros
  • Yoshinori Takita

Global Business

  • Kewon Song
Vice Chairperson
  • Patricia Erker
Staff Liaison
  • Katrin Babadzhanov
  • Mary Jo Carranceja
  • Julie Chan
  • Gisella Craig
  • Ayres J. Dcunha
  • Daniela V. Diaz
  • Susana C. Dumas
  • Cheryl J. Grossman
  • Susan G. Helsinger
  • Tsui Ying Hsu
  • Aldo Iemma
  • William A. Jacobs
  • Kuo Hwa Kao
  • Nabaraj KC
  • Joosoo Kim
  • Maegan Lutz
  • John S. Molnar
  • Dominico Pedone
  • Nino Perdomo
  • Philip A. Raices
  • Ashley Randolph
  • Yoshinori Takita
  • Isabel Zenocratti

Bylaws Committee

  • Rao A Shaan Khan
Vice Chairperson
  • Yvette D. Clark Watkins
Staff Liaisons
  • Tiffany J. Balanoff
  • Rob A. Choudhury
  • Laura Copersino
  • Tsui Ying Hsu
  • Dawn E. Jones
  • Margaret MacRae
  • John McSherry
  • Jacqulene Mitrani
  • Eileen O'Sullivan
  • Lydia Bueso Roman
  • Sergio M. Saia
  • Abigail Shechter
  • Jennifer J. Welcome

Budget & Finance Committee

  • Mary Alice Ruppert
Staff Liaison
  • Tanthony Rae Baker
  • Peter Caruso
  • Charles Gambino
  • Winifred Helfer
  • Kyle M. Kelly
  • Christina H. Kim
  • Kenneth King
  • Janay D. Malloy
  • Daniel Oneil
  • Gina Marie Bettenhauser
  • Susan G. Helsinger
  • Kevin M. Leatherman

Professional Standards Committee

  • Kevin M. Leatherman
Staff Liaison
  • Peter Caruso
  • Yvette D. Clark Watkins
  • Kyle M. Kelly
  • Kenneth King
  • Janay D. Malloy
  • Daniel Oneil
  • Moses Seuram
  • Susan G. Helsinger
  • Kevin N. Loiacono
  • Gina Marie Bettenhauser

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

  • Stephan Mahabir
Vice Chairperson
  • Janay D. Malloy
Staff Liaison
  • Zoila Alonzo
  • Katiana Anglade
  • Mohammad Y. Ayub
  • Brenden E. Burns
  • Mary Jo Carranceja
  • Joy D'Arcio
  • Susana C. Dumas
  • Ashley R. Guity
  • Hind S. Hatoum
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Jim L. McIntosh
  • Jason Orsini
  • Maria Ottomanelli
  • Jose A. Padro
  • Sidney Rodriguez
  • Jill A. Sackler
  • Felicia Smith
  • Jeanette Wilson

Government Affairs Queens

  • Hind S. Hatoum
Vice Chairperson
  • Frederic R. Greene
Staff Liaison
  • Jessica A. Akde Elmazi
  • Zoila Alonzo
  • Kenny Eng
  • Leah L. Ferster
  • Berlinda A. Gabe
  • Deow N. Gangaram
  • Melissa Gomez
  • Walauddin Hoosein
  • Qiu Hang Jiang
  • Yan Lin
  • John F. McCullagh
  • Rafiqul I. Murad
  • Eyston D. Perez
  • Felicia Smith
  • Yoshinori Takita
  • Sonia P. Thompson
  • John G. Touwsma
  • Natasha A. Williams

Government Affairs Nassau / Suffolk

  • Judy L. Cangemi
Vice Chairperson
  • Joseph A. Garcia
Staff Liaison
  • Helena A. Born
  • Jennifer Brule
  • Janice Chavkin
  • Anthony G. Ellis
  • Michael R. Galicia
  • Richard T. Halloran
  • Alyssa Hughes
  • Maureen A. Klersy
  • Elizabeth Lowe
  • Joann Nardone
  • Jovanni Ortiz
  • Richard Parisi
  • Gilbert A. Picard
  • Paige C. Ryan
  • Justin Schimmenti
  • Christina Tabacco
  • Michael Watts
  • Brad Wilson

Appraisal Committee

  • John F. McCullagh
Vice Chairperson
  • Matthew Algoo
Staff Liaison
  • Samantha Carcione
  • Yi Yang Liang
  • Jose A. Padro

Awards Committee

  • Michael P. Litzner
Vice Chairperson
  • Yoshinori Takita
Staff Liaison
  • Barbara A. Bucovetsky
  • Debra A. Chiappetta
  • Salvatore Crifasi
  • Nabaraj KC
  • Christina Shaw
  • Charles A. Cruse
  • Susan G. Helsinger


  • Belinda C. Wiseman
Vice Chairperson
  • Debra A. Chiappetta
  • Mary Alice Ruppert
  • Christopher Armstrong
  • Claire J. Leface
  • Cheryl J. Grossman
  • Rose Marie Princi
  • Andrew J. Yakubovsky
  • Rose Torraca
  • Janette D. Pulice
  • David H. Lunenfeld
  • Maxine S. Hollander
  • Gisella D. Craig
  • Adam M. Butter
  • Barbara A. Bucovetsky
  • Christine Dickson
  • Hind S. Hatoum
  • Diana C. Alfaro
  • Denis G. Murphy
  • Neil J. Tevez
  • Patricia R. Shaffer
  • Paul Llobell
  • Jill A. Sackler
  • Lainie Greenberg
  • Margaret MacRae
  • Angela Prince
  • Lowell Ackerman
  • Jennifer Tucker
  • Bernadette M. Rodriguez
  • Marc J. Candelaria
  • Theresa Dinardo
  • Corinne Bubolo
  • Eileen O'Sullivan
  • Robert Ferrara
  • Kimberly Holland
  • Jason S. Rubinstein
  • Jacqulene Mitrani
  • Esperanza Viera
  • Sherry Krapf
  • Nicholas Santillo
  • Vincent J. Alessi
  • Charles A. Cruse Jr.
  • Linda Lugo
  • Francis A. Paruolo

Strategic Planning

  • Rao A Shaan Khan 
Staff Liaison
  • Mark T. Donnelly
  • Hind S. Hatoum
  • Kyle M. Kelly
  • Stephan Mahabir
  • Janay D. Malloy
  • Mary Alice Ruppert

REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC)

  • Melissa L. Brandt
Vice Chairperson
  • David M. Legaz
Staff Liaison
  • Caitlin Baratta
  • Debra Chiappetta
  • Anthony G. Ellis
  • Michael R. Galicia
  • Joseph A. Garcia
  • Walauddin Hoosein
  • Alyssa Hughes
  • William A. Jacobs
  • Maureen A. Klersy
  • Thomas J McCarthy
  • Colin McCarthy
  • Ann Marie M. Pallister
  • Kalen M. Raynor
  • Maria M. Samet
  • Zachary Scher
  • Justin Schimmenti
  • Aruna Sood
  • Appraisal Committee*

    Carries out the objectives of the Appraisal Network by planning events, establishing goals, making recommendations, subject to the approval of the LIBOR Board of Directors.

    Prerequisites: All members of the Appraisal Committee shall be members of the Appraisal Network.

    Criteria: LIBOR Member in good standing

    View Committee Members

  • Awards Committee

    Nominates the recipients of certain awards in accordance with certain criteria as established in the LIBOR Policy & Procedure Manual.

  • Budget & Finance Committee

    Reviews revenue and expense projections; reviews the annual budget and the present budget. Makes appropriate budget recommendations and monitors the feasibility of investing revenues, vets the financial investment firms, makes investment recommendations, implements the process of investing, and monitors the investments in accordance with LIBOR’s Investment Policy.

  • Bylaws Committee*

    Reviews the LIBOR Bylaws and policies to ensure compliance with the latest NAR requirements, and recommends revisions to the LIBOR BOD.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Member

    View Committee Members

  • Commercial Committee*

    Carries out the objectives of the Commercial Network by planning events, establishing goals, making recommendations, subject to the approval of the LIBOR Board of Directors.

    Prerequisite: All members of the Commercial Committee shall be members of the Commercial Network.

    Criteria: LIBOR Member.

    View Committee Members

  • Credential Review Committee

    Reviews all applications of candidates for Officers and Directors for the coming year.

    Prerequisite: Involvement in and knowledgeable about LIBOR.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Members who are not seeking an Officer or Director position. No one REALTOR® Member can serve more than two consecutive years, and no more than one person from the same office shall serve.

    View Committee Members

  • Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee*

    Coordinate activities related to increasing the overall diversity and inclusiveness of our LIBOR membership and leadership participation to ensure knowledge of Fair Housing practices throughout the real estate community.

    Prerequisite: It is recommended that REALTOR® Members complete the At Home With Diversity® Certification as long as it is being offered.

  • Global Business*

    Promote business opportunities by providing the necessary tools and resources to foster networking, generate referrals and increase commissions by serving global sources.

    Prerequisite: CIPS Designation or begin the process of completing the CIPS Designation.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Members meeting the above prerequisites. Affiliate Members with global business interests and contacts may also serve.

    View Committee Members

  • Government Affairs – Nassau/Suffolk*

    Monitor local, state, and national legislative issues and recommend positions and actions to the Board of Directors for approval with regards to their respective geographic jurisdiction and in conjunction with similar positions taken by NYSAR and NAR.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Member and/or Affiliate Member.

    If the Member’s primary residence or primary focus of business lies in one of the geographic areas, they may serve on one of the committees. No Member can serve on both Government Affairs committees.

    View Committee Members

  • Government Affairs – Queens*

    Monitor local, state, and national legislative issues and recommend positions and actions to the Board of Directors for approval with regards to their respective geographic jurisdiction and in conjunction with similar positions taken by NYSAR and NAR.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Member and/or Affiliate Member.

    If the Member’s primary residence or primary focus of business lies in one of the geographic areas, they may serve on one of the committees. No Member can serve on both Government Affairs committees.

    View Committee Members

  • Grievance

    Reviews allegations of violations of the Code of Ethics and member requests for Arbitration pursuant to the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual, forwarding those appropriate to the Professional Standards Committee for a hearing.

    Prerequisites: Formal Professional Standards Training.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Member

  • Legal Assistance Committee

    Reviews requests for legal assistance in accordance with criteria established by the LIBOR BOD to determine eligibility for the Legal Assistance Fund.

  • Professional Standards

    Considers and acts upon cases involving alleged violations of the Code of Ethics and arbitrates certain financial business disputes forwarded by the Grievance Committee, in accordance with the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual. Hearings are routinely scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Prerequisites: Formal Professional Standards Training and at least one year on the Grievance Committee.

    Criteria: REALTOR® Member

  • REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC)*

    Helps increase participation in fund raising campaign programs and encourages investment in RPAC to achieve monetary and membership participation goals set by NYSAR and NAR.

  • Strategic Planning

    Reviews industry trends and supports staff for the development of business and/or strategic plan and reviews its progress.