Report of the Nominating Committee Meeting for MLSLI

Nov 01, 2017

Report of the Nominating Committee Meeting for the Multiple Listing Service of LI, Inc. held on September 18, 2017 at 346 Sunrise Highway, West Babylon, NY. The Committee considered applicants interested in serving as Officers of the Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. for 2018.  Following discussion, the Committee recommended the following slate:

President - Michael Mendicino
VP Suffolk - John Fitzgerald
VP Nassau - Michael Scully
VP Queens - Eddie McGowan
Treasurer – Barbara Ford
Secretary - Walauddin Hoosein

ARTICLE VI, Section1 d) of the bylaws of the Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. states:

“…any five (5) Directors may submit additional candidates for such offices by subscribing to a petition set forth by names and the office of their candidate(s) and filing such petition with the Secretary of the Corporation at least ten days prior to the elections.  Voting at elections shall be by ballot.”

The Election for the 2018 MLS Officers will take place at the first meeting of the 2018 MLS Directors scheduled for November 15, 2017.

 A brief biography of each nominee follows:

Nominee for President
MICHAEL MENDICINO is a licensed Realtor® since 1987 and a member of the Long Island Board of Realtors since 1991.  In 1998, he became the Owner/Broker of Millennium Homes in Brentwood.  On MLS, he has served as a Director from 2006 to the present and has served on the Nominating Committee, Presidential Advisory Group for MLS Bylaws, Field Issues Task Force, Budget and Finance, MLS Investment Committee and the Procedures committees.  Michael served as the MLS 2016 Vice President of Suffolk and is currently serving as the MLS 2017 Treasurer.  He has served on LIBOR as the Treasurer in 2007 and served as the Secretary in 2005 and 2006.  Michael has also served on the Awards, Grievance, Bylaws, Education, Fair Housing & Cultural Diversity, Budget and Finance, Common Interest Ownership, Professional Standards, Public Relations, Legal Assistance, Member Services, Legislative, Risk Management Housing Opportunities, Commission Escrow Act committees for LIBOR.  On the state level Michael is currently a NYSAR Director and serves on the Grievance and Professional Standards Committees.  On the National level Michael has served as a NAR Director from 2004 to 2008 and on the Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee in 2008, 2011 and 2014.  Michael has also been an active member of Hope for Youth for 15 years and currently serves as their Vice President.  In addition, Michael holds the CRB, CRS, GRI and CBR designations.

Nominee for Vice President, Suffolk
JOHN FITZGERALD is the Partner/Broker/owner of Realty Connect USA and has been a license Realtor since 1975.  John is also one of the founders of Realty Connect USA started in 2009 which since then has grown to 14 offices with 800 Real Estate Professionals.  John served on the 2015 MLS Strategic Planning Task Force and on the 2016 Presidential Advisory Group for the MLS Bylaws.  He has also served as the 2016 Secretary for the Multiple Listing Service and is currently serving as the Vice President of Suffolk. He has also served as the President of Long Island Board of Realtors South Shore Chapter in 1991 and 1992.  He also served as a Director for the Board in 1992.  John holds the CBR and GRI designations.

Nominee for Vice President, Nassau
MICHAEL SCULLY is a licensed Realtor® since 1985 and is currently the broker owner of Century 21 Scully Real Estate.  Michael has been an MLS Director from 2007 to 2015 and served as the 2015 MLS Treasurer and the 2017 Vice President of Nassau.  He has also served on the MLS Technology and Services Committee; Advertising and Promotional Committee; Budget and Finance Committee, MLS Investment Committee and the Procedures Committee. He has served on the Budget and Finance Committee, Legislative Committee, Professional Standards Committee, and the Grievance Committee for LIBOR. 

Nominee for Vice President, Queens
EDDIE MCGOWAN has worked in the real estate industry for more than 25 years, as a broker, associate broker, attorney, and investor.  Eddie has worked in real estate, wills and trusts attorney since 1992, specializing in residential real estate, foreclosures and short sales.  In addition, he has more than 25 years of experience in the computer industry, as a developer/consultant (prior to becoming an attorney), as legal counsel to technology-related companies.  Eddie has been active on both the Multiple Listing Service and Long Island Board of Realtors.  On the MLS side Eddie has served on the MLS Technology and Services Committee, Procedures Committee and currently serves as an MLS Director.  He has served on the LIBOR Grievance Committee, Bylaws Committee, Professional Standards Committee, Field Issues Task Force, RPAC Committee and Legislative Committee.  Eddie currently serves as a LIBOR Director and has also served as a Chapter Director and President.    In addition, Eddie has also served as a member of the Women’s Council of Realtors.  Eddie holds designations as an ABR, CBR, CDPE, CSC, GRI, MCNE, PSA, and an SFR.

Nominee for Treasurer
BARBARA FORD is the Owner/Broker of Ford Phase II Realty Corporation.  Barbara has been a Realtor® since 1980. She currently serves as a Director for LIBOR and MLSLI and has served as the MLSLI Secretary in 2006, Treasurer in 2007, President in 2008, Treasurer in 2013 and Secretary in 2014 and 2015.  Barbara has served on the MLS Budget and Finance, Procedures, Bylaw, Nominating, Investment Committee, Strategic Planning and many various Task Force and Ad Hoc Committees.  In addition, Barbara also serves as a COVE Director.  On the LIBOR side Barbara has served on the LIBOR Awards, Bylaws, Education, Budget and Finance, Legal Assistance, Legislative, Professional Standards, RPAC, Commission Escrow, Common Interest Ownership, Housing Opportunity, Fair Housing and Grievance committees and has Chaired many of them.  On a state level she has been on the Legislative, Professional Standards, Education and Fair Housing committees while serving as a NYSAR Director.  Barbara has also worked on several NYSAR working groups including Article 12A, Commercial Issues, and Commission Escrow.  On the national level Barbara has served on NAR Committees and was an NAR Director in 2009.

Nominee for Secretary
WALAUDDIN (BUDDY) HOOSEIN is a licensed Realtor® since 1985 and Broker/Owner of Wally Realty in Hollis, for 30 years.  Buddy has been active on both the Multiple Listing Service and the Long Island Board of Realtors as well as serving on various NYSAR and NAR Committees.  On the MLS side he is currently serving as the 2017 Vice President of Queens.  Buddy also has served on the MLS Advertising, Marketing and Promotion, Bylaws, Budget and Finance, Nominating and Procedures Committees.  Buddy was also a Director for Zone 15 in 2014. He has served on LIBOR Awards Committee, Professional Standards, Grievance, Mediation, Bylaws, Education, Fair Housing & Cultural Diversity Budget and Finance, Common Interest Ownership, Public Relations, Member Services, RPAC, Legislative, Risk Management, Nominating and Housing Opportunity Committees.  On the state level Buddy has been a NYSAR Director for 10 years and has served on various NYSAR committees.  On the national level he has served as a NAR Director for 7 years, was a federal political coordinator for Congressman Gregory Meeks and also served on various committees.  Buddy was the recipient of the LIBOR Realtor of Year Award, Tasso Award, Lou Gutin Legislative Advocacy NYSAR Realtor of the Year Award and the Realtor Honor Society.  He has also completed the NYSAR Leadership Academy.  Buddy holds designations as an ABR, AHWD, CBR, CRS, CRB, CRBM, CIPS, GRI, RSPS and SRES.