Citable Offenses and Schedule of Fines

Applicable Article and Standard of Practice Fine Fine Fine
(1st Offense) (2nd Offense) (3rd Offense)
Article 1
Failure to fully disclose and obtain consent from both parties when representing both the seller/landlord and buyer/tenant in the same transaction Article 1, support by Standard of Practice 1-5  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,200.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to submit offers and counter-offers objectively and as quickly as possible Article 1, support by Standard of Practice 1-6 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to advise sellers/landlords of information specified in Standard of Practice 1-12 prior to entering into a listing contract Article 1, support by Standard of Practice 1-12 $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,250.00 and class titled tles "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to advise buyers/tenants of information specified in Standard of Practice 1-13 prior to entering into a buyer/tenant agreement Article 1, support by Standard of Practice 1-13 $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Accessing or using, or allowing others to access or use, a property managed or listed on terms other than those authorized by the owner or seller Article 1, support by Standard of Practice 1-16 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Article 3
Failure to communicate a change in compensation for cooperative services prior to the time that REALTOR® submits an offer to purchase/lease the property Article 3, support by Standard of Practice 3-2 $750.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $1,500.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $2,250.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices"
As a listing broker, attempting to unilaterally modify the offered compensation with respect to a cooperative transaction after a REALTOR® has submitted an offer to purchase or lease that property Article 3, support by Standard of Practice 3-2 $750.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $1,500.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $2,250.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices"
Failing to disclose existence of accepted offers, including offers with unresolved contingencies, to cooperating brokers Article 3, support by Standard of Practice 3-6 $750.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $1,500.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $2,250.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices"
Misrepresenting the availability of access to show or inspect a listed property Article 3, support by Standard of Practice 3-8 $750.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $1,500.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $2,250.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices"
Providing access to listed property on terms other than those established by the owner or the listing broker Article 3, support by Standard of Practice 3-9 $750.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $1,500.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices" $2,250.00 and class titled "Buyer, Brokerage & Ethics…The Right Choices"
Article 4
Failing to disclose REALTOR®’s ownership or other interest in writing to the purchaser or their representative Article 4 (second sentence) $500.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $1,250.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $2,000.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?"
Article 5
Providing professional services without disclosing REALTOR®’s present interest in property Article 5 (limit to present interest, not contemplated) $500.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $1,250.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $2,000.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?"
Article 6
Accepting any commission, rebate, or profit on expenditures without client’s knowledge or consent Article 6
(first paragraph)
$750.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $1,500.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $2,250.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?"
Failure to disclose to a client or customer REALTOR®’s financial benefits or fees received as a direct result of recommending real estate products or services Article 6
(second paragraph)
$750.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $1,500.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $2,250.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?"
Failure to disclose REALTOR®’s direct interest in an organization or business entity when recommending to a client or customer that they use the services of that organization or business entity Article 6, support by Standard of Practice 6-1 $750.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $1,500.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?" $2,250.00 and class titled "Don't You Wish You Hadn't Done That?"
Artitcle 12
Failing to present a true picture in real estate communications and advertising Article 12  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failing to disclose status as real estate professional in advertising and other representations Article 12 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to provide all terms governing availability of a “free” product or service in an advertisement or other representation Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-1  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to disclose potential to obtain a benefit from third party when REALTOR® represents their services as “free” or without cost Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-2  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Advertising property for sale/lease without authority of owner or listing broker Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-4 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failing to disclose name of firm in advertisement for listed property Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-5 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failing to disclose status as both owner/landlord and REALTOR® or licensee when advertising property in which REALTOR® has ownership interest Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-6  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Falsely claiming to have “sold” property Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-7  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to take corrective action when it becomes apparent that information on on a REALTOR®’s website is no longer current or accurate Article 12, support by second sentence of Standard of Practice 12-8  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Failure to disclose firm name and state of licensure on REALTOR® firm website Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-9 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Misleading consumers through deceptive framing, manipulating content, deceptively diverting internet traffic, or presenting other’s content without attribution or permission Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-10 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Registering or using of deceptive URL or domain name Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-12 $750.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $1,500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Representing that the REALTOR® has a designation, certification, or other credential they are not entitled to use Article 12, support by Standard of Practice 12-13  $500.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"  $1,250.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate" $2,000.00 and class titled "The Shades of Grey in Real Estate"
Article 16
Placing for sale/lease sign on property without permission of seller/landlord   Article 16, support by Standard of Practice 16-19  $500.00 and class titled "Who Do You Really Work For...The Buyer?"  $1,250.00 and class titled "Who Do You Really Work For…The Buyer?" $2,000.00 and class titled "Who Do You Really Work For…The Buyer?"