REALTORS® Political Action Committee

Your Best Investment in Real Estate

Given the ever-changing political climate, it makes sense for you to support candidates who share your views on real estate-relate issues. But a single contribution to a candidate can only do so much. The way to maximize your political clout is to join forces with thousands of like-minded people. That´s what the REALTORS® Political Action Committee is all about. The dollars you give are pooled with literally tens of thousands of other contributors to support candidates who understand the issues that affect your business.

The ultimate goal is to position RPAC as the largest and most influential political advocacy organization in the country. But we need your help. Your voluntary contributions to RPAC are an investment in the success of your business and a commitment to preserving the future of our industry. Political funding decisions are made by people like you, the REALTOR®, and are backed by the power of over 1,000,000 of your fellow REALTORS® across the country.

Benefits - Your Contribution Adds Value to Your Business

There´s no better way to ensure a vigorous and viable real estate industry than by contributing to RPAC. Protecting private property rights, preserving the American dream of homeownership, fighting for tax reforms and reducing onerous regulations on your business are the reasons it exists.

Contributing to RPAC produces tangible benefits for our industry. For example, our efforts save you money by advocating tax reforms and reductions in burdensome regulations. We also leverage the power of your contribution by backing it up with the unified voice of a professional organization. In addition, your financial participation adds extra value to your membership in the association by ensuring that the REALTOR® stays at the center of the real estate transaction.

Input - Your Views Count

As the eyes and ears for industry, your insights and viewpoints are crucial in determining which candidates will receive REALTORS® Political Action Committee assistance.

With your input, groups of REALTORS® at the local, state and national levels decide which candidates merit our support. Selected candidates then receive contributions by REALTOR® volunteers within the community. In this way, local REALTORS® get credit for the use of the dollars they work to raise.

Impact - The Political Power of REALTORS®

Imagine the impact your individual contribution has when magnified by 1,000,000 REALTORS nationwide! Whether your contribution is $25 or $2,500, the money you give to RPAC makes a difference, not only to your business but to the millions of property owners our industry represents.

Information - How We Use Your Contribution

Commitment to participating in the political and legislative processes of government secures a place for RPAC in America´s democratic system of representation.

When we choose to support a particular candidate, we are investing -not in the person -but in the future direction of this country and in the laws enacted on the local, state and national levels. Thanks to the collective strength of RPAC, we´ve achieved a number of legislative successes. A few examples include:

  • Tax reforms encouraging real estate investment and preserving the mortgage interest deduction.
  • Preserving the independent contractor status for real estate professionals.
  • Passing legislation protecting private property rights and providing just compensation for takings.
  • Increasing FHA/VA loan limits, allowing more families to move into the ranks of homeownership.

Political Advocacy that Benefits You

We encourage you to get involved in the political process and communicate with your public officials about legislative issues vital to the real estate industry. Not every REALTOR® can commit the time to write letters addressing legislative issues or volunteer on a candidate´s campaign, but every REALTOR® can take a moment to make an investment in his or her business. Financial participation in RPAC allows everyone to participate in government.

Protect your business. Pledge your commitment to the future of the real estate industry by contributing to RPAC today. It´s your best investment in real estate.

Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may contribute more or less than the suggested amount. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS, the New York State Association of REALTORS or any of its local boards or associations will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by your state PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until your NYSAR PAC reaches its PAC goal 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after NYSAR PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates.